In-depth interviews allow newfocus researchers to explore topics from the participant’s viewpoint, providing a deeper understanding of their motivations, beliefs, and experiences. This method is particularly valuable in both market and social research, as it enables a nuanced exploration of complex human behaviours and perceptions, ultimately leading to more effective and targeted insights and strategies.
In both market research and social research contexts, in-depth interviews with singles and couples can provide valuable insights into various aspects of their lives, behaviours, and experiences. These are effective in their own right, and complimentary to focus groups, online platforms, and co-creation workshops. Ideally, it is conducted face-to-face. However, they can be conducted online or by phone if needed. It lasts from 30-60 minutes, and respondents are usually paid an incentive to participate.
newfocus uses its mature business-to-business recruitment team working on-site and supervised by a National Operations Manager when recruiting participants for executive in-depth interviews. Once recruited, participants will receive a confirmation email to endorse the study and ensure interviewing schedules run on time.
We adhere to ISO 20252:2019 best practice guidelines, the Market and Social Research Code of Professional Behaviour/Market & Social Research Privacy Code and have AMSRS accreditation. This is important to ensure full control over all the systems and processes and to guarantee high quality. The qualitative one-on-one interviews are undertaken by a selected team of consultants/researchers, who have vast experience in business-to-business research.